Study of the impact of different interdisciplinary thematic approaches through mathematical modelling: the case of nanoscience and nanotechnology

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Driely Gomes Santos
Carmem Silvia Rodrigues Paschoal Sanches, Carme Sanches
Milena Aparecida Batelo Ramos
Michael de Melo


This work has a great and substantial importance in the framework that the country is engaged when the issue is concerned about basic education system. Analyze distinct perceptions due different interdisciplinary thematic approaches in classrooms of basic education might result in different results in the teaching and learning process using mathematical modelling. Nanoscience and nanotechnology has been chosen as a theme with a wide interdisciplinarity, constituting one of the most important themes to generate discussion in classroom. This study will present the effects of the student perceptions and its relatable mathematical modelling results for different two education levels: Fundamental II and High School. One believes that interdisciplinary is a main methodological tool to defragment the knowledge, contributing with mathematical concept learning. Nevertheless, it is widely accepted that the way an interdisciplinary theme is presented in a classroom can significantly alter the efficiency of the employability of interdisciplinary methods and, consequently result in teaching learning process failures. 

Detalhes do artigo

Biografia do Autor

Carmem Silvia Rodrigues Paschoal Sanches, Carme Sanches, Unifev

Carmem Sanches is graduated in Mathematics with master in education from UNIMEP.

Milena Aparecida Batelo Ramos, Unifev

Milena Ramos is graduated in Mathematics and master in Applied Mathematics from UNESP-IBILCE.

Michael de Melo, Unifev

Michael Melo is Bachelor in Physics from USP, master in Civil Engineering at UNESP and PhD aspirant at UNESP at Applied Physics.


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