Transition between atomic states and semi-classical radiation theory using quantum perturbation
Conteúdo do artigo principal
Some phenomena cannot be solved using the exact solution of the Schrödinger equation. However, using approximated methods such as perturbation theory we are able to obtain remarkable results considering terms up to second order. The physical phenomena studied here are the absorption and stimulated emission by the classical feature. In addition, we are going to discuss the physical meaning of perturbation theory when we treat the behaviour how initial state ket evolves as time goes on. We will evaluate the transition of probability between states, the rate and the energy involved in the atomic transitions. It will be introduced fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics, such as interaction picture, and a general perturbation theory using constant and sinusoidal time-dependent perturbation term. Concerning to these phenomena, we considered the perturbed term of the Hamiltonian of the interaction between the vector potential and electron momentum.
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Declaração de Direito Autoral
Autorização Autor: Título do Trabalho: Autorizo, para os devidos fins, de forma gratuita, a publicação de meu trabalho, acima indicado.
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